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What I Did on My Summer Vacation—Part 1
What I Did on My Summer Vacation—Part 1

Now that school's back in session, students are writing essays on just this topic. We thought we'd ask Moda designers how they spent June, July, and August. Did they lounge on the screened porch, dig in the garden, or travel to exotic locales? Read on! (And make sure to check in for more adventures tomorrow, too!)
Debbie Maddy: I spent a week as a student at the John C. Campbell Folk School in Brasstown, North Carolina, studying under Gasali Adeyamo. He is an indigo dyer from Nigeria. It was my first time as a student at the school. All the other times I have been there as an instructor.

The other part of my vacation was also a learning vacation at the Shakerag classes in Sewanee, Tennessee with Catherine Ellis. I was learning about using natural dyes for dyeing, screening and printing.

Jane Davidson (Quilt Jane): Technically it was winter holidays in the southern hemisphere but it never gets that cold here. We blink and winter is over.

We all went to Sydney for the holidays to see my family. Dad still lives in the same house we group up in and my four sisters are close by. I love going home to the Sutherland Shire. It is full of such wonderful memories of growing up by the sea.

We always have such a lovely time with friends and family during our Sydney trips, especially catching up with my quilting friends.

We have a saying, “You never really leave the Shire”. My heart will always belong to the Shire.
Kathy Schmitz: I had a GREAT summer! I taught at QuiltStock in Dallas, TX and had a BLAST!

I spent a week on the Oregon coast with my husbands family (BIG reunion). I spent a week on the Oregon coast with my side of the family (little reunion).

I went to my 40th High School reunion (YIKES)! I started taking Yoga and Pilates classes and I LOVE it! I’ll end the summer with a trip to Ohio to see the Oregon State Beavers play football in Columbus (because I’m a good sport).

Lynne Hagmeier of Kansas Troubles: I taught at the Maine Quilt Show in July. Wonderful show, well organized, great quilters. I taught 4 classes in 3 days, including the Rustic Stars quilt using my Layered Patchwork technique. Don’t you just love the bright

As a reward for a job well done, (my 14-yr-old grandaughter,
Aleece, who unloaded the van, set up the classroom, kept track of kits &
merchandize, wrote invoices & collected money) we spent a couple of lazy
days on the beach in Maine, collecting sea shells and eating all the seafood
we could hold.

We also visited The Elephant’s Trunk Flea Market in
Connecticut on the way home.

We both love antiquing and watch the show Flea Market Flip religiously. So much fun!
Erin Michael: This summer was filled with good times traveling, good times with family and good times of reflection. Having grown up in the quilting industry I have known some truly remarkable quilters and through them, I have picked up the basics of sewing. Some 30+ years later, I have finally turned to a point in my journey to ask myself, "What do I love about quilting? I know how everyone else feels, but do I personally like quilting?" This thinking led me on an epic summer journey where I dug deep to the roots of The Art Form of Quilting.

I am currently writing a book so this summer I have been diligently moving along in that process. The book is an autobiography about my life growning up in the quilt industry, designing fabric, and emerging as an artist.

Stacie Bloomfield of Gingiber: This summer we really did nothing! My kids traveled with friends and grandparents while the adults stayed behind! It was honestly a nice and relaxing season. I'm still in denial that summer is over!

(Stacie was being modest—she really didn't do nothing. She's been remodeling her house and it was featured on Design Sponge. You can see the article here. And she painted this mural on a building in her downtown.)
Janet Clare: on my holidays I went to Suffolk and stood in the exact same spot Constable stood to paint his famous ‘Haywain’, which gave me goosebumps.

Robin Pickens: For my summer vacation I surprised my mom with a weekend visit to celebrate her birthday in July! I flew to Chicago to spend some fun time together, hanging out with her and my sister.

We visited Quilter's Destination in Arlington Heights and of course bought fabric!

And I got to see my mom's new condo that she moved into recently. She had made my Blockstep quilt to hang in the hallway of her new place!

Sometimes the simple family visit is one of the best vacations!
Join us again tomorrow when we learn more about Moda designers' exciting (and not-so-thrilling) summer vacations. How did you spend yours?